The Story: POETIC, a psychological horror film, centers on a young married couple in a life threatening situation when a homicidal maniac, simply known as "Cowboy," takes them hostage in their own home. Lies, secrets and a shocking betrayal become exposed and this Cowboy has some thoughts of his own on just what needs to be done to rectify the situation.
The Crew (so far): Director, Writer and Producer Matthew Cichella, Producer Mitch Wright II and Cinematographer Nate Stein, of Fast Films.
The Cast (so far): Giovanni Pauletti, Kitsie Duncan, Heather Dorff, Rob Romero
How you can help: Fans and/or investors can help get this feature into production by donating to the IndieGoGo campaign. This is the only way we can make this film a reality so please donate if you can or share the IndieGoGo link with your friends. There are some amazing perks like getting the DVD before its official release, as well as your name in the credits as a producer! Check it out.
Over the past few weeks we have announced some wonderful and talented people joining the cast of Never Submit Entertainment's POETIC. Today is no different. Much like last week, with the announcement of the talented beauties, Kitsie Duncan and Heather Dorff joining the cast, today's newest actress is just as beautiful and talented.
We are very proud and excited to announce that Kelsey Zukowski has signed on to play the very important role of Peyton.
"Peyton, along with her husband Ben, help set the tone for the film and really kick us into high gear right from the get go so it was very important that the actress who played Peyton was someone who was going to grab the attention of the audience right away." Explained director Matthew Cichella, when asked about Kelsey joining the cast. "There were a few people I had in mind to ask, all very talented people, but I remember watching The Social Media Massacre and I just loved her performance. Peyton is much different than the usual type cast roles I see Kelsey in, but this role will give her a chance to show everyone her range. It's a very dynamic role, to say the least."
As you can tell, Matthew Cichella is very excited about Kelsey joining the cast. We caught up with Kelsey as well and asked her thoughts on Poetic and the all important role of Peyton.
"Before I was even approached about being involved, I was attracted to Poetic. When done right home invasion films can be utterly terrifying. They destroy the conceived notion of your home being a safe place, free from harm. Upon reading the script I saw that Poetic was far more personal and really something outside of this sub-gene. With the world it portrays, everyone is flawed, deceptive, and it’s debatable if they are even worthy of forgiveness ." An enthusiastic Kelsey goes on to explain her being drawn to Peyton. "While I haven’t been in the same situation as my character, Peyton, I have experienced something that wasn’t too far off. I’ve felt the same emotions and conflicted thinking in the past. It will be interesting to explore a more tragic version of how damaging that can be.”
As if the announcement of Kelsey Zukowski joining the cast wasn't big enough, we have yet another huge announcement to make. This time straying away from the casting announcements of the past few weeks, and centering more on the behind the scenes action. For specifically, adding a new member to the team.
Never Submit Entertainment is proud to announce that Justin R. Romine, co-owner of Fathead Films, has joined POETIC as a producer! Justin is an actor, writer, director, editor, cinematographer and producer. He has directed the short films Dwelling, The Cafe, The Rawhide Stagecoach Robbery of 1908, Tape: the Musical and the television travel show pilot Weekend on Wings. Justin has also worked as a cinematographer for the films Fishing Amy, Dead Ends, and My Father’s Watch.
"As a filmmaker I was attracted to Poetic because the characters are so well developed." Justin states when asked what it was about Poetic that intrigued him to join the team. "When I read the script it captured me right away and I knew I had to be part of this project."
Over the past few weeks, you've heard every cast or crew member announced say the exact same thing. Once they read the script, they knew they had to be apart of the film! YOU too can be apart of this psychological horror film by donating to the IndieGoGo campaign. There are some amazing perks like getting the DVD before its official release, as well as your name in the credits as a producer! And just to make it that much sweeter, if you're coming on board as a producer, we'll put you in the blog as well!
Stay tuned for further updates next Sunday as we announce more POETIC cast, and also a few more details about Innocent Looks 2.
Thanks for your continual support!