POETIC, a psychological horror film, centers on a young married couple in a life threatening situation when a homicidal maniac, simply known as "Cowboy," takes them hostage in their own home. Lies, secrets and a shocking betrayal become exposed and this Cowboy has some thoughts of his own on just what needs to be done to rectify the situation.
Over the past few weeks we have announced some wonderful and talented people joining the cast of Never Submit Entertainment's POETIC. Kitsie Duncan, Heather Dorff, Giovanni Pauletti, Kelsey Zukowski, and Rob Romero are all confirmed for the film, but today we have two more announcements and they are just as big as the rest of the cast announcements were.
You already know that Giovanni Pauletti will be playing Ray Ray, otherwise known as "Cowboy" and Kitsie Duncan will be playing Riley, one half of the married couple who is taken hostage in their home. What you don't know is who will be playing the other member of that couple. That is, until now.
Marc Pytlewicz has officially joined POETIC and he will be playing the role of Jackson, the husband who is taken hostage by Cowboy. Marc, a friend of fellow POETIC cast member Giovanni Pauletti, was actually recommended for the role by Giovanni.
"I was approached by Giovanni to see if i'd be interested in maybe playing a role in Poetic. I didn't know what it was all about but was told to read it and get back to him on what I thought." Marc stated when asked about his joining POETIC. " Right from the beginning i was intrigued by the script because of the intensity that it starts with. As I kept going the many layers of emotions that the characters go thru and the intesity of the situations kept me wanting to read more. i also liked the erie creepy feeling of this maniac 'Cowboy' was able to come into the homes of these people and terrorize them emotionally and physicsally. The creative mind of the writer, Matthew Cichella and the other actors in the film just made me want to be a part of it."
But there is a little more than what meets the eye, as for what truly brought Marc onto the project. That being he has a little more in common with the main character, Jackson, that maybe he would like.
"As for what drew me to Jackson was some of the similarities that he has in his life to what I've gone through in mine. I could relate to his problems quite well and have also been on the other side of it too. As for the acting part of it, the range of emotions that he goes through also drew me to the character. Jackson goes from one end of the emotional spectrum to the next and back and I feel it will be a welcoming challenge to bring it all to life. To be an actor has been my dream for a long time and it's characters like this that make me want it even more."
We at Never Submit Entertainment are very happy to announce Marc's casting and believe he will make a wonderful addition to this already all-star cast POETIC has assembled.
But that's not it for the POETIC casting announcements. Next up is one that will make a lot of our male fans happy, and that is that "future Playboy playmate" Elise Schultz has been confirmed to be playing the role of Ashley, Riley's best friend.
Never Submit Entertainment fans may remember Elise from her stint in One Night Stand, which unfortunately was only seen through promotional videos, but she made enough of an impact for director Matthew Cichella to want to work with her again.
"I love working with Elise. She's a great actor, a great person and just an all around trooper. I'll never forget shooting One Night Stand in the freezing cold weather, maybe 20 degrees outside and poor Elise is running around, half dressed and being beaten like a rag doll by Gary Kozlowski, who is about 250lbs." Matthew recalls. "She never complained once. She's a great. I can't say enough about Elise. All I knew was I wanted to work with her again ....and again. She's that good."
As for Elise, it appears the feeling is mutual. We caught up with Elise, who was heading out for a family vacation, having just recently returned from a Playboy casting call, but the actress did have a few moments to let us in on what it was about Ashley that made her want to join POETIC.
"I wanted to play Ashley because I could relate to the character very easily; her relationship and her friendship with Riley.... Ashley and I are very much the same, which might be a bad thing after reading the script!" Elise laughs, thinking about Ashley's behavior in the script. "But her reactions and personality are very similar to mine, which drew me to the role of Ashley."
As for Matthew Cichella, Elise seems to return the sentiment. Those cold nights shooting One Night Stand seemed to pay off for our director. "I'm just really excited to work with Matt again.... he's so Awesome to work with & always a blast!"
How you can help: Fans and/or investors can help get this feature into production by donating to the IndieGoGo campaign. This is the only way we can make this film a reality so please donate if you can or share the IndieGoGo link with your friends. There are some amazing perks like getting the DVD before its official release, as well as your name in the credits as a producer! Check it out.
How you can help: Fans and/or investors can help get this feature into production by donating to the IndieGoGo campaign. This is the only way we can make this film a reality so please donate if you can or share the IndieGoGo link with your friends. There are some amazing perks like getting the DVD before its official release, as well as your name in the credits as a producer! Check it out.
A few weeks ago we announced that Innocent Looks 2 was going into production and that Melissa Revels would be returning to reprise her role as Amy, the unsuspecting serial killer. Rob Romero was also announced as joining the cast as Mr. Patterson, a character mentioned but never introduced in the original film.
Today we can announce that Innocent Looks 2 will begin filming in late May 2011, in hopes of being completed in time to premiere at the On The Waterfront Film Festival.
"Innocent Looks ended with a shock that left viewers wondering what was going to happen next." Director and writer Matthew Cichella mentions, when asked why the sequel was being made so quickly after the first. "I've been asked hundreds of times now. What happens next? Up until now I didn't really have an answer to give. But I think it's time we let everyone in on what happens next ...Innocent Looks 2 is all about the closure of that story."
Innocent Looks 2, starring Melissa Revels, goes in to production later this month, but next week you can find out just who else is going into production with Ms. Revels as we reveal the leading actor who will star opposite her. And maybe let the fans in on a little detail fans of the first film might have noticed as not been addressed yet. More on that ....next week!
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